Rugs are shipped from our warehouse in Georgia and delivered to your front door by FedEx, UPS, or Freight Delivery. Curtains are delivered to your front door by UPS or USPS.

For in-stock rugs sized 9x12 to 12x15, delivery takes 8-15 business days. Due to their size and weight, these rugs require scheduling a delivery appointment to ensure they arrive when you’re home.

Our rugs are handmade in small batches and only a few in each size are available. When we don't have a rug in stock but have a new confirmed delivery arriving, the rug will be available for pre-order. Rugs available for pre-order will show the estimated delivery time next to the rug size on the product page.

Nordic Knots does not offer any compensation in case of delayed deliveries. The delivery times are only estimates.