A Feast For The Senses With Skye Gyngell

Earlier this year, we collaborated with the acclaimed British chef, Skye Gyngell, on a table of abundance in celebration of our latest collaboration with the design duo, Campbell-Rey. Set against the gilded historic town house Spencer House in the heart of St James’s in London, Skye, and her team, masterfully curated a centrepiece encapsulating the season’s bounty - brimming with decorative displays of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Known for her distinctively seasonal, elegant cooking - we talk to Skye about her culinary journey, stylish approach, meaning of home and the best advice she has to share.

Tell us a little more about your work, where did it all begin?

S: I fell in love with cooking by accident the year I left school. While studying at Sydney University, I got a job washing dishes in a restaurant. From day one, I loved everything about it. I was fortunate to have an incredible mentor who was patient and always encouraging.

I've worked in food and restaurants for 40 years and still love it as much as I did back then. There's something addictive about restaurants. More than anything, it's the people and the teamwork. I love being busy and occupied, and there's always something going on. It suits my character perfectly, with endless opportunities to learn and be creative.

Describe your style in three words.

S: Clean, clear, considered.

Tell us about the master centrepiece table you created for the Nordic Knots and Campbell Rey Love Affair party - your inspiration behind the chosen food and creations?

S: That was such a wonderful project! I’ve always admired Nordic Knots as a brand ( I have an oversized olive green rug in my sitting room which I’m obsessed with!) and love the work of Campbell Rey - so when Duncan reached out to us, it felt like a very exciting opportunity. The brief was simple–lots of beautiful produce in season so we leaned into all the drama and beauty of the late winter months.

You are renowned for your distinctively stylish and elegant cooking, does this translate to your interiors?

S: That’s a very nice thing to say, thank you! I think my aesthetic is fairly consistent across the board - I love thoughtful simplicity in both food and interiors. I love the space in between.

What does 'home' mean to you?

S: My home is very much my sanctuary - it’s the place I relax and recalibrate. I’m quite protective of my down time. I spend quite a lot of time in my garden at this time of year - I find it very therapeutic to put my hands in the soil.

Your favourite room at home?

S: My favourite room is probably my kitchen. Contrary to what people might think, I don’t cook very much at home, but when I do it’s something simple that I can throw together that sits quietly on the stove and just gently bubbles away. My kitchen almost doubles as my office - it’s full of all the cookery books that I’ve collected over the years and lots of things from my travels. I love to sit at the table and write the menus or sometimes just gaze into space thinking of all the things I should be doing but can’t quite face. I’m a terrible procrastinator!

A place that means a lot to you?

S: I was born and raised in Sydney - I haven’t lived there for a very long time but it’s my happy place. It’s where my family still lives and it’s where I reconnect and feel truly myself. I love the big skies and huge landscapes.

Your most treasured object, artwork or design piece?

S: I have so many things that I treasure. My house is full of things I’ve collected on my travels and it would be impossible to choose one thing. Each piece reminds me of a person or place. I’m very nostalgic as a person, memories are incredibly important to me. I think it has something to do with living so far away from the country of my birth.

The best advice you would share?

S: Life is precious! Family and friends are everything - enjoy each moment and don’t wish the days away.

Lastly, your favourite Nordic Knots rugs and why?

S: I have the Grand Milano Green rug in my sitting room, I have it in the largest size. I absolutely love it. It lays on top of a cork floor - I love the contrast of the richness of the colour of the rug with the simplicity of the floor. It makes me feel happy every time I walk into the sitting room!